Dorothy Cleveland
Dorothy Cleveland
Dorothy tells folktales and personal stories of strong women and the shadow of life using humor and insight. Since 1995, she has performed, produced storytelling events and workshops, and has served on the board for local and national storytelling organizations.
She has a Masters of Liberal Studies in Leadership through Story from the University of Minnesota. Dorothy also has a business resume including 45 years of work in the administrative, human resource, finance, and managerial fields focused in legal organizations. She is the 2019 NSN Oracle Award Winner for Regional Leadership, North Central Region.
She is currently the administrator and conference facilitator for Northlands Storytelling Network, webmaster for and bookkeeper for the National Storytelling Network.
Contact Information
Cell: 651-703-8191
Location: St. Paul, MN 55129 USA
Beyond the Sword Maiden: A Storyteller's Introduction to the Heroine's Journey, Dorothy Cleveland and Barbara Schutzgruber, Parkhurst Brothers Publishers, 2018.
Storytelling World Award winner.
"The Frog Prince." Pool of Story, Storytelling Magazine, Vol. 31, Issue 3, October 2019.
Story Samplings
"All Was The Way It Should Be"D. Cleveland, Copyright 2016.An adaptation of the Grimm's folktale "Handless Maiden" and several of its cultural variations.
"The Frog Prince"D. Cleveland, Copyright 2019.An adaptation of several cultural versions of the folktale with a slight twist towards the stepmother.